25 classes per dance season, including dress rehearsal and recital. We will close for approximately 2 weeks for Christmas Holiday and 1 week during spring break. All other closings will be posted in our STAY UPDATED section or on our facebook page.
Tuition is divided over a nine month period from September through May. The amount paid is the same each month whether there are 3, 4, or 5 lessons that month. Tuition payments are due by the 15th of each month to avoid a $30 late fee. All NSF checks will result in a $20 fee.
Dancer Code of Conduct
•Dancers are expected to attend class and be punctual.
•Dancers who miss class are encouraged to attend make-up classes.
•Competition dancers who miss more than 3 classes per month will not be allowed to participate in competing. (Doctors notes will be taken into consideration per case)
•Respect for teachers, parents and peers will be expected at all times. Cliques or bullying will not be tolerated. Dancers behaving inappropriately will be asked to leave the class, and parents will be contacted.
If this behavior happens, you will get 3 warnings, after the 3rd warning, you will be asked to leave the academy permanently.
•Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your class to warm-up and be prepared for class.
•Any student arriving late must check in at the front desk, at which point they will be escorted to their class. They will wait until the exercise is finished before entering the class. Please enter the studio quickly and quietly so as not to disrupt the class.
•No outdoor shoes in the Dancer Zone (this includes the student lounge area and change rooms). Please store all shoes in the cubbies provided and not on the floor as this is a tripping hazard. Clean indoor shoes are required for all Hip Hop classes.
•No running in the studios, touching mirrors or hanging off the barres.
•Dancers must be dressed in proper attire for every class. Hair must be in a bun for all Ballet classes and pulled back off the face for all other classes.
•Dancers must treat the studio as if it was their home. This meaning, clean up all messes and throw out any food or garbage in the many bins provided.
No food is allowed in either of the studios. Water bottles are allowed and encouraged.
•Theft of any kind at the dance studio will result in immediate dismissal.
•No swearing or foul language.
•No gum is allowed in the studio at any time.
•No cell phones allowed in the Dance Studios.
•Dancers are advised to not leave the premises between classes without adult supervision. Students are encouraged to use our student lounge area/homework area at these times.
•Label all belongings and leave all valuables at home. Inspire Dance Academy cannot be held responsible for any lost or missing belongings. Please check the lost and found box regularly as all items will be donated to Goodwill after a certain length of time.
•We encourage all of our students to work hard and try hard, and be the best dancer that they can be!
Parent Code of Conduct
•Communicate regularly with the academy
•Ensure that the student attends class regularly, in dance attire and on time.
•Inform the academy promptly about absences or late arrivals.
•Ensure to pick up students no more than 15 minutes after class ends.
•Encourage and help child to follow the student code of conduct.
•Help academy staff deal with disciplinary issues involving their child.
•Do not interrupt classes while in progress. Please make an appointment at the front desk if you wish to book a meeting with a teacher.
•Inspire Dance Academy is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please leave all valuables at home.
•For the safety of the students, no outdoor shoes or boots can be worn in either of the studios.
•No harsh or foul language or bullying of any kind towards staff, dancers, or other dance parents is ever allowed. If this happens, you will get 3 warnings before you will be asked to remove you and your dancer permanently from our studio.
Liability Release Form
I understand that there are risks of physical injury associated with, arising out of and inherent to the activity of dance. In recognition of this acknowledged risk of injury, I knowingly and voluntarily waive all rights and/or causes of action of any kind, including any and all claims of negligence arising as a result of such activity from which liability could accrue to Inspire Dance Academy, it’s officers, agents, instructors, subsidiaries, and all affiliated entities (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Inspire Dance Academy”. I hereby agree to release Inspire Dance Academy and hold Inspire Dance Academy harmless of all liability, and hereby acknowledge that I knowingly and voluntarily assume full responsibility for all risks of physical injury arising out of active participation in dance on behalf of the participant. I am aware that this is a release of liability and an acknowledgement of my voluntary and knowing assumption of the risk of injury. I have signed this document voluntarily and of my own free will. I also give Inspire Dance Academy permission to use my child’s picture in or on any form of advertisement for Inspire Dance Academy or an Inspire Dance Academy affiliated event. If I am a minor, my parent and / or legal guardian has also signed this document releasing Inspire Dance Academy from any and all such liability described above and has acknowledged that I am knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks of injury inherent to this activity. The participant has my permission to participate in Inspire Dance Academy Events. I warrant the below information is complete and correct. I further release Inspire Dance Academy of all liabilities associated with my child’s attendance at Inspire Dance Academy.